The earthquake we experienced on Tuesday, along with the aftershocks, reminded me so much of our days living in Southern California in the mid 80's. I quickly recalled what that unmistakeable shaking was but had to "shake" off my disbelief that we were having an earthquake in VA. The epicenter was about 30 miles south of us and it really shook us here! Fortunately, we didn't have any damage, but I cleaned up a lot of books that fell off shelves, drawers and cabinet doors opened, linens and fabrics fell off shelves, but nothing broken! The classy looking ladies at the hair salon turned into world class sprinters as we all headed for the door of the salon while the ground shook. It was amazing to see women in various states of "hair do" sprint for the door and then hang out in the parking lot with their protective smocks on and hair all foiled up for color and highlights. We're lucky it wasn't worse.
Speaking of worse, the hurricane affectionately known as Irene is heading up the coast. It's scheduled to make landfall in NC tomorrow and work its way up to NYC and beyond. We'll get smacked by that to a lesser degree than those closer to the coast. What a week with an earthquake and a hurricane! It's a wild ride and we're not through it yet.
It's all good and yes, it's a wild ride!