Friday, July 3, 2009

No More Politics as Usual

Gov. Sarah Palin says we need to make tough choices and she recently made a really big one. Today she announced her resignation as the governor of Alaska. She indicates that most lame duck politicians milk the system as they ride out the last part of their term. She has chozen to fight for the individuals and policies she believes in from outside the governor's office. She says that a smooth transition for the state of Alaska is in process and she won't function as a figure head, while seeking other means of promoting the causes she supports. That makes sense! She is unconventional and proves that she stands for "no more politics as usual" and her decision today proves it. I like a person who stands for something and makes decisions and choices that mean something. I like Sarah Palin for that and a lot of other reasons -- among them, she's a Blue Star Mom, like me.

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